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Material Comparison Guide

Welcome to our Elastomeric Material Comparison Guide. Choosing the right elastomeric material for your application is crucial for performance, durability, and cost-efficiency. This guide provides an in-depth comparison of various elastomeric materials, helping you make an informed decision.

Below is a general guideline of which base polymer to consider for your O-ring, gasket, & custom molded part application. With decades of experience in FFKM applications, the Canyon Components Engineering Team is unmatched throughout the industry.


Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or are looking for a quote.

Below is a general guideline of which base polymer to consider for your O-ring, gasket, & custom molded part application. With decades of experience in FFKM applications, the Canyon Components Engineering Team is unmatched throughout the industry.
Variable Buna / nitrile Fluorcarbon (Viton®) CanRez FFKM Silicone EPDM Neoprene HNBR Butyl Urethane
Relative Cost $ $$-$$$$ $$$$$ $$-$$$ $$ $ $$ $$ $-$$$
Durometer Range available 40-95 50-95 60-95 30 TO 90 40-90 40-90 70-95 60-90 50-95
Permeability Coef-Nitrogen 10~cm~sec~atm~ 0.18 0.2 200 6.4 0.89 0.25 0.95 / 16
Electrical Resistivity (Polymer) D-C B A A A C D-C A BG
Creep B B B B-A C-B B B C C-A
Impact Strength C B B D-C C-B B A B B-A
Abrasion Resistance A B C A-B C-B A A C A
Tear Resistance B B C A-B C-B B A B A
Cut Growth B B C C-B C B A A A
Flame resistance D A C A D B-A A D D
Low Temp - Stiffening - °F +30 TO -20 +10 TO -60 0 TO -40 -60 TO -180 -20 TO -50 +10 TO -50 -10 TO -40 -10 TO -30
Low Temp - Brittle Point - °F -40 -65 Consult -90 TO -180 -90 -85 -80
Weather-Sunlight Aging D A A A A B C A A
Oxidation B A A A A A B A B
Ozone Cracking C A A A A A B A A
Radiation B C-B B C-B B-A B B B B
Water A A A A A B A A C-B
Steam C-B A-B A-B B-C A B B B-A D
Alkali Dilute / Concentrated B/B A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/B A/A C/D
Acid Dilute / Concentrated B/B B/C A/A B/C A/A A/A A/B A/A C/D
Ketones, Oxygenated Solvents D NR A B-C B-A C NR A D
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Degreasers C-B A B NR NR D C NR C-B
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons, Kerosene, etc. A A B D-C NR C A NR B
Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Benzol, Toluol, etc. B-A A B NR NR B C NR C
LP Gases, Fuel Oils A A B C NR B A NR C-B
Alcohols C-B C-A A C-B B-A A A B-A B
Brake Fluid, Non-Petroleum Base NR C B A B-A C B NR
Synthetic Lubricants - Diester B-A A A NR NR D A NR D
Animal and Vegetable Oils B A A A B B B-A A
Petroleum Base B-A A A NR NR D-C A NR B
Water Glycol C A A A A B B-A C-B
Silicate Ester B A A NR B-A B B-A NR
Phosphate Ester D B-A A B A(300°+) C NR A (250° Max) NR
Hight Aniline (190°+) B A A C NR B NR A
Low Aniline Point A A A B NR A NR B
Ammonia B NR A A B A B B D
Refrigerants R-11, 12, 13 R-11,12,13 Ask NR R-12,13,22 R-11 ,12,13,21,22 R-12, 13, 22 R-12

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