OIL OF TURPENTINE Chemical compatibility with O-rings, rubbers, & plastics
Oil of turpentine, also known simply as turpentine, is a volatile essential oil obtained by the distillation of resin from pine trees. It is primarily composed of terpenes such as alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. Turpentine is used as a solvent for paints and varnishes, in the production of synthetic resins, and as a raw material in the chemical industry. It has a characteristic pungent odor and is flammable. Turpentine has also been used historically in medicinal preparations and as a cleaning agent. Handling requires care due to its potential health effects, including respiratory and skin irritation.

Need OIL OF TURPENTINE resistant plastics, O-rings, rubbers, and seals? Get in touch now!
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