PHOTOGRAPHIC FIXING BATHS Chemical compatibility with O-rings, rubbers, & plastics
Photographic fixing baths, commonly referred to as fixers, are chemical solutions used to stabilize developed photographic images. They remove unexposed silver halide crystals from the film or paper, making the image permanent and light-resistant. Common fixers include sodium thiosulfate (hypo) and ammonium thiosulfate, which dissolve the unexposed silver halides. Fixing baths also contain hardeners to strengthen the gelatin emulsion and prevent damage during handling. The fixing process typically involves immersing the photographic material in the fixer solution for a specified time, followed by thorough washing to remove residual chemicals. Proper handling and disposal of fixers are crucial due to their potential environmental impact. Gloves and goggles should be worn to avoid skin and eye contact. Spent fixer solutions should be disposed of according to local regulations to prevent silver contamination in water sources. Fixers play a vital role in ensuring the longevity and stability of photographic images.

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