POTASSIUM PERFLUORO ACETATE Chemical compatibility with O-rings, rubbers, & plastics
Potassium perfluoroacetate is a fluorinated organic compound with the formula CF3COOK. It is used primarily in industrial applications as a surfactant due to its ability to lower surface tension significantly. This compound is part of the broader family of perfluorinated chemicals, known for their persistence in the environment and resistance to degradation. Due to these properties, there are concerns about their potential environmental impact and bioaccumulation. Potassium perfluoroacetate is also utilized in some specialized chemical syntheses and applications where its unique properties are beneficial. Handling this compound requires caution, as with many fluorinated chemicals, to avoid potential health risks associated with exposure.

Need POTASSIUM PERFLUORO ACETATE resistant plastics, O-rings, rubbers, and seals? Get in touch now!
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