POTASSIUM PYROSULFATE Chemical compatibility with O-rings, rubbers, & plastics
Potassium pyrosulfate (K2S2O7) is a white, crystalline solid used primarily in analytical chemistry and as a flux in metallurgical processes. In analytical chemistry, it serves as a reagent for the preparation of sulfate and other related compounds. Its fluxing properties make it valuable in metallurgical applications, where it helps in the dissolution of ores and the purification of metals. Potassium pyrosulfate is known for its ability to decompose at high temperatures, releasing sulfur dioxide, which is useful in various industrial processes. Handling this compound requires care, as it can cause skin and eye irritation upon contact and must be stored properly to prevent moisture absorption.

Need POTASSIUM PYROSULFATE resistant plastics, O-rings, rubbers, and seals? Get in touch now!
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