POTASSIUM TRIPHOSPHATE Chemical compatibility with O-rings, rubbers, & plastics
Potassium Triphosphate (K5P3O10) is an inorganic compound that appears as a white crystalline powder, highly soluble in water. It is widely used in the detergent and cleaning industry as a builder to enhance the effectiveness of surfactants by sequestering hard water ions. In the food industry, Potassium Triphosphate is used as an emulsifier and pH regulator in various processed foods, including meats, cheeses, and beverages. It also finds applications in water treatment as a corrosion inhibitor and scale suppressant. In the agricultural sector, it is used as a fertilizer and soil conditioner to provide essential nutrients to plants. Additionally, Potassium Triphosphate serves as a dispersing agent in the production of ceramics and as a component in certain fire retardants and flame-resistant materials.

Need POTASSIUM TRIPHOSPHATE resistant plastics, O-rings, rubbers, and seals? Get in touch now!
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