POTASSIUM SULFATE Chemical compatibility with O-rings, rubbers, & plastics
Potassium Sulfate (K2SO4) is an inorganic salt commonly used as a fertilizer due to its high potassium and sulfur content, essential nutrients for plant growth. It appears as a white, crystalline solid and is highly soluble in water. This compound is preferred in agricultural applications where chloride-sensitive crops are grown, as it does not contain chloride. In addition to its use in fertilizers, Potassium Sulfate finds applications in the manufacturing of glass, where it acts as a fluxing agent to lower the melting point of raw materials. It is also used in the production of potassium alum, a compound with applications in water purification and the textile industry. In analytical chemistry, Potassium Sulfate is employed as a standard reagent in various titrations and analytical procedures.

Need POTASSIUM SULFATE resistant plastics, O-rings, rubbers, and seals? Get in touch now!
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